Sports performance, muscle fatigue and hydration in gymnasts in the prepubertal stage




muscula fatigue, hydration, dehydration euhydration, sports performance


Hydration is decisive in sports performance. There are general recommendations on water consumption, but the energy requirements based on age, exercise intensity or sports practice are not considered. This study analyzed the effect of hydration on muscle fatigue and sports performance. The research was quasi-experimental with a pre-and post-test design, two groups participated, one experimental and one control. The sweating rate and the VAS-fatigue Scale were used for the analysis of the data collected at three moments during the training. The experimental group achieved water balance (euhydration) at 0.21% and 0.37%, and the fatigue level decreased between one and two points. On the other hand, in the control group there was evidence of dehydration between -1.39% and -1.45%, and the level of fatigue increased by .5 on average. This shows that muscle fatigue is related to dehydration.


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"Sports performance, muscle fatigue and hydration in gymnasts in the prepubertal stage"

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How to Cite

Álvarez Ugalde, M. Ángel, Soto Arvizu, A., & Velázquez Ugalde, L. (2024). Sports performance, muscle fatigue and hydration in gymnasts in the prepubertal stage. Transdigital, 5(9), e323.



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